Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Paper doll cut outs

last assignments

journals? Leather bound?
Booklet inside a transparent envelope?
Don't have to print back and front, can stick together, but make sure that it isn't too thick - less than 200 gsm
name in assignment.
Detail in everything, very cohesive.

Monday, October 18, 2010

DDS for assignment

COLOURED - right scale. Zooms are important if you can't see things.
Create your DDS to your strengths, either Illustrator or hand drawn.
A4 template - DDS on A3 template, so you can put all the details in. Then put it back to small!

Next week - mock up of how you're thinking that your catalogue will work.
Visual diary
Fabric manipulations
have a printer!

Can only help in class times.
Printer here and downstairs - always talk with them about when a good time to print is.


Hand in date - Monday the 15th of November!!!!!
Not the 8th, I mean the 15th.
But come to class, figure out presentations.

This brief goes for both Michelle and Lea.
This assessment is worth 40% of this whole subjects mark - 20 for Lea, 20 for Michelle.
Not designing fr subculture, influence for another market. Synopsis with concept board is also in catalogue.
Hand rendered or digital?
Focus on manipulations in rendering. Bring fabrics to class.
Everything drawn by hand has to be scanned and cleaned up before it goes into the catalogue.

All catalogues will be so different, have to speak to Lea.
1 collection view - garments all on the one person, making at least 2 looks.
Range drawing MUST be hand drawn, but not hand rendered.
Don't forget that a draft print has to be done.
garment descriptions for each. Garment style numbers.
No bigger than A4, no smaller than A5. It can be huge, but it has to fold down.
Don't forget, think about ways to hand this in, box, bag? It has to be pretty.
NAME on this.
Little details, make this believable.
Demonstrate an understanding of the overall topic.
DDS totally coloured in, no black and white!
Bring diary to class.
Keep the catalogue tips and tricks handy at all times.
Bring to class - there is a checklist on the back - plan a date for printing, where you will print.
mock ups every week for the next 3 weeks.
come next week with an idea.
Source paper weights and types - sheer has a tendency to melt so be careful about where you source it from. AND THINK ABOUT WHAT WILL BE ON THE NEXT PAGE! Creates depth and excitement, but is also a bit tricky.
If your printer won't do this page, you could always do it at home? But don't do an important DDS or anything at home.
Colours used in catalogue - representation of concept. Catalogue has to theme. Colour paper? Do so many test prints that your head explodes. The colours will come out incorrectly.
Fonts - no more than 2. That's all.
Don't distract from DDS with silly fonts.

Monday, October 11, 2010

complicated catalogues

crazy shapes? divide it into sections. Bleed, safety, crop marks. calm down.
We can't draw artboards in whatever shape we want.
One layer is bleed, one is guides and safety.
Draw bleed around your crazy shape - copy and past shape and make it bigger. It doesn't have to be exact, just bigger. Do the same for your safety. This means we can lock, show or turn off.
crop marks - these go in the bleed.
do NOT do this front and back. Just don't. Just put something not important on the back.

Concertina fold catalogue

is it a poster that will fold into itself? Concertina? Something you make up yourself? Figure it out on scrap paper.
3 mm bleed
5 mm safety
fold marks
add 1 mm for each fold mark.
add the amount of every fold onto the measurements, eg 5 folds, add 5 mm.
set the front and back up as separate files.
can be nice to put a little extra on the front so that when you fold it up it comes together without seeing the inside bits.
Crop marks - add when you save.
if you have thick card consider that you'll need extra room for the fold.

think about how it will look when it folds in on itself. DON'T WANT IT TO BUCKLE.

bound booklet

Before we even start the file - How will it be bound? Ring bound? Stuck together? Sewn?
Measure bind allowance.
Add bleed and so forth. Add measure for how big the bind will be.
reverse bind allowance for the other page.


creating a booklet
2 ways to do this - stapled, just pages folded.
when starting with the files, it's good to have something to base it off - can touch and look - fold a4 paper to make the book. How are we going to lay the pages out. How many pages? Remember that it will have to be even numbers - remember the front and back.
Front and back are the first files we make. Others are later.
When you do this as a practice number each page so you can work out how it fits together.
back/front pages
1 and 14
13 and 2
3 and 12
11 and 4
5 and 10
7 and 8 - middle pages! thus next to each other
9 and 6

Booklets - yes, it's the easiest to print. But you have to do a bit of setup. Once we have one done, this is the only one we have to do. But remember to put page numbers in.
"Pagination" - how the pages are formatted. Have to think about what it will look like on every page turn. TEST PRINT!!!! Do it.

Also - don't forget to put the bleed in AS YOU MAKE THE FILE. Add 1 mm extra in to make each of the folds. And add in fold marks so that you know where to fold - we put these in also at the start, in the bleed area.
Make sure you set each page up as a separate file so that it doesn't crash! Name the files - page 1 and 14 eg.

Now we come to the front and the back. we have the bleed and the safety line, and the fold mark. What else?
this has to fold around EVERY PAGE - so think about how much you will have to put in at the fold so that you have it covering everything properly. We want to JUST see cover. so add 3mm at the fold.

Cover - add to to 3 mm of bleed. BUT DON'T MOVE THE SAFETY LINE! Extend this at the sides. you just want to make sure everything is in your lovely booklet.
Decide on paper!

Givenchy Spring 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A little glam.

Hot tramp, I love you so.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fabric feelers in illustrator

This is easy. Huzzah!
File - new - keep menu up. This is where we will make all of our changes.
Remember that you can always change this afterwards. You don't have to worry about expanding or whatever.
How to print without the white border - Have to figure out the size of our print. The only way that we can do it without this is to cut it off. When you've set up the file correctly you put in marks to show yourself where to cut.
To do this - we make our images bigger than they have to be - as in, if we want A4, we print A3.
Oversize A3, and cut to A3.
Make the artwork go a little over the size. Add a bleed.
Bleed - 3mm to 5 mm - artwork has to extend to the edge of bleed.
Cut line is next. And we also have a safety line where all text has to stay - otherwise we run the risk of cutting off letters of important things.
To add this information in is easy. Every printer and illustrator knows about bleed.
We can add this in when we make the file.
Make sure we do this at the beginning. It just saves time.
Printable area is within black, but we make the image as big as the red outline
Bring a ruler to class from now on.
This size is A4 - I want to make this landscape - use artboards - this shows us the centre point. View --> show rulers - drag and line up with centre.
Landscape tool is at the top.
Add an extra 5mm to the centre so it can fold over - length will be 15.5 x 12 as finished flat shape.
At the top right in artboard I can type in my size.
Now we think about fold - front has to be a little bit bigger than the back.
6.1 for the front.
To change 0 - drag from top right corner to where you want it to be.
Make marks of where we want this to go - use pen tool on black outline in bleed section - this way it won't be visible once we've cut the bleed section off. Make sure the mark is on both sides.
Remember to put the artwork to the back, otherwise we won't be able to see our lovely and important marks.
Don't get rid of fold line, but you will have the lovely marks when you print. This makes it easy for yourself.
This helps us to remind ourselves of where the front and the back are.
This can be used over and over again. Save it as a feeler template.
Top is the front, bottom half is the back. Don't forget that the writing has to be the upside down for the front!!!!!!
Now we are close to finishing the file.
One thing left to add in - the safety line. This is purely done with guides, just as a reminder to yourself. Make safety inside the black line at 5 mms.
Now we know that this is where the artwork goes.
And we are safe!!!!
Print feelers one to an A4 page.
When you go to do the files, set them up the same way.
Save out each layer with the background as a PDF, as we did with the earlier projects.
We can add in crop marks after this - it only adds crop marks to the corner of the artboard.
When we are saving, make sure you choose the amount of bleed - eg 3 mm.
Check - crop mark, colour samples, registration marks etc.
Fold before you cut!

Week 9

And in we go - Bricolage.
Keep your eyes peeled for interesting catalogue ideas - we have 3 weeks in class to work on this.
Now we get to complex file setting up. Hooray!
But before this, think about file management - a little different to folder, but the same elements.
Assessment 3_catalogue - inside this
Template - this folder has all our templates - mostly stuff we set up in class - layouts for catalogues etc.
Today we will set up fabric feeler template. We can keep using this. Fabric Feeler file.
Catalogue File.

Within Catalogue we set up some more folders.
Linked files
Photoshop files.

In "fabric feelers" folder we also need linked and photoshopped files.
We also need a PDF folder - in the main section for finished work.

Also - another folder for research
One for Drawings - images and scans

Now we should have everything we need. So we don't loose any information.

Concept board - A3 and mounted.

Saturday, October 2, 2010