Friday, April 30, 2010

Mood boards - Architectonic


These are the three I think I'll be using, after asking way too many people what they thought. The colours look great, which I love, but I think that can mostly be attributed to the lovely pictures. Oh, and the naked people in the creative one is in reference to how exhibitionist the whole "glass house" thing is - the bath is on the roof! With any luck I will get them printed tomorrow, or there abouts. So yes. I just felt an urge to kind of get this out of my system. Ahh, blogging as a cathartic experience - what a new and novel concept! Stay tuned next time, for self obsessed poetry.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To all those people out there writing photoshop tutorials. Let's get married. Polygamy - Australia says that it's only occasionally OK.
Pen tool - after closing the shape go to the paths button on the side (next to layers and masks) and then click on the circle with the dotted lines. Very descriptive, I know. But I was excited to re-learn that today. Found out something cool about my house today - apparently the glass front is a reference to the previously shady neighbourhood where it is situated - The prostitutes in the windows, etc. And also, someone threw a Molotov cocktail in there once - before the current house was built - anyway, the walls have been left in their slightly destroyed form and painted over - pretty groovy.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lucky lucky days

I'm just having a little moment of being excited by how nice people are - I've just received an email from a Belgian photographer, who specialises in interior and architecture photography, by the name of Luc Royman, who happened to have some rather lovely images of the Sculp(IT) building. I'd been having trouble getting enough images of a high enough quality, so I e-mailed him on the off chance that he might be willing to share a few of his high res images with me - and had a response by the next day, and the evening after (ie, now) have the beautiful images downloading onto my computer!

The moral of the story - Most People Are Nice
and - They Can't Shoot You For Asking.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Furthermore, to do straight lines hold down shift in pen tool. Thanks, Ella.
To copy the pen tool cut out onto its own layer, I'll use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J (Win) /Command+J (Mac), which places the sign on its own layer above the Background layer

Photoshop hates me.

Reminder - using pen tool, to delete the extra bit, hold down option for macs. Cannot believe how many times I have forgotten this.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

silvia mertens and pieter peerlings

This, then, is my final choice. I feel a little like I might be shot if it's the wrong one, but what can you do? I think this building is incredible - It's a living/working space for 2 Belgian architects, silvia mertens and pieter peerlings - There's a whole lot of really cool things here - the use of colour, the transparency, the whole concept of voyeurism, etc, what with the glass front and bath on the roof, but more than that - I jsut think it's beautiful. Every new picture of this I see a bit more.

Starting ideas

OK, just so you, my millions of avid readers, can have a little idea of how completely all over the shop I am with this I wanted to show what I was wanting to look at when I started this

Treehouses! I love all these images, but the tree house thing only has a fairly limited range of things you can do with it. However, it would be pretty rad core living in one of these things. A lot like being a princess, I imagine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Architecture, ideas.

Here is an idea - Ben Nagaoka - Japanese designer. This one in particular is lovely - it's called Labyrinth of Woods - what a lovely name. It's designed for the diesel shop and has the most incredible lines, kind of church like, which I am really enjoying.
Not sure at this point, looking at some of the other works people had in class - I am a little worried that the repetition used so strongly here might be limiting to my designing - also not a lot of colour. Thoughts, comments, reactions?
I have an alternative that I'm starting to think might be better that I will post here soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Concept statement - talk about your building, designers inspirations, meaning behind building - don't stick this on the back! Remember to reference books. If you have information from a website, this has to be referenced, but pictures don't.
Don't talk about actual concept boards, more ideas, what are you able to take from the building.
This goes with your board, can use the same font, can be presented in a creative way - this is not an essay! Consider how you can link it to your boards.